Friday, 24 September 2010

All quiet on the LEGO front?

It's gone all quiet on this blog. Chandler and I haven't forgotten about it and there are plenty of nice MOCs that I've seen in the last few weeks, but I have been frighteningly busy. I started a new job a few moths ago and am working like crazy. I have very little time for LEGO building, let alone for writing my normal rambling blog posts.

There are plenty of new things to look forward to, however. The end of the 'Arctic build challenge' is coming up and we've got some great entries that we'll be blogging soon) and I'll be taking a short break from work to visit the Great Western LEGO Show in the UK, where Ed Diment will reveal his USS Intrepid model (for which I designed the aircraft). You can expect an article on that and the other ships built by members of the Brickish Association for the event. We've also got a new contributor for the blog who has been slaving over his first post for weeks...

Happy building,


  1. Hy Ralph!

    It´s Bruno here! Who is the new contributor? It doesn´t seem to show up anyone but you and Chandler on the list...
    By the way, I hope to have something in time for the artic challenge.

  2. Hi Bruno, Magnus is the new contributor. I'm also hoping to whip up a last-minute entry for our challenge....

