Saturday 10 April 2010

F-16 Fighting Falcon

A very detail-oriented builder, Mike Psiaki has been tweaking his F-16 Fighting Falcon for some time now. Though it's still a work in progress, I think it's safe to say that it's sufficiently developed to blog here. The new canopy from the Atlantis sets works perfectly for the cockpit, and the neon green works remarkably well, as fighter cockpits often have green glows to them from their heads-up displays. Otherwise, there are lots of interesting angles that doubtlessly have been achieved by only by very intricate SNOT work, but the payoff is that the model resembles its real-life counterpart down to every last angle. It's easily one of the best models that I've seen lately, and is all the more cool to see as the F-16 is my favorite fighter.


  1. Ya..., about the canopy, I (bleep)ING HATE IT!

  2. Military Minifig Looks so cool id love to have more time to build some military sets great lens my friend well done TOP INFO HERE!

  3. This is perfect because I like all referred to army, I've heard that I can find legos made for people who like the army artifacts, planes and tanks, that's perfect for me.

  4. cool just a different canopy colour would be great

  5. hi there! may I know where did you purchase this set at???
