I myself took a shot at building one a few years ago.

It is a twin-engined HH-1N, a model that until recently was used by the US Navy for Search-And-Rescue missions. I was (and still am) quite happy with how it turned out, but one of the things that I never liked was how the sliding doors on the cabin don't follow the contours of the fuselage when open. Looking at my pictures right now, I find none that illustrate this clearly. This is probably no coincidence!
This week the ever-innovative Mike Psiaki posted pictures of his own new model of a Huey. His older model was already more than decent, but the new one tops it. It's full of great techniques, it's small enough to look good with minifigs and he's come up with a pretty radical way to make the doors work, solving the problem I couldn't a few years ago.

I don't normally say this sort of thing, but this has to be the best LEGO Huey model ever. Great work.
Wow, i'm flattered ralph, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI need Help making a huey..
ReplyDeletei need a thing of instructions on building these things out of legos i mean I've been looking all over for instructions on building but i can never find some and I've been looking at your models in total awe thinking oh my god i need to get a set of instructions from this guy so could you send me a thing of instructions on my email? as long as there's no charge aka a bill...
ReplyDeleteto the builder of these models see previous comment
ReplyDeletemake a tutorial
ReplyDeleteinstructions, please!
ayy i love this huey most beautiful lego huey ive seen i was woundering if you could make instrutions
ReplyDeleteTransitioning from military to executive career requires planning and hard work. However, if implemented well, it can offer large rewards and meaning to your life. Reading minds